Filtering by: Guest Panels

Cycling Between Indie and Mainstream Comics
1:00 PM13:00

Cycling Between Indie and Mainstream Comics

Experienced creators Tana Ford and Kristen Gudsnuk talk with moderator Jill Carter about their experiences in both indie or self publishing and then working for more mainstream publishers. What adjustments needed to be made? What lessons were learned or had to be unlearned? And what are the pros and cons of working in each?

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Distance Collaborations and Creative Isolation
11:30 AM11:30

Distance Collaborations and Creative Isolation

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more of us are finding ourselves working from a distance. For many creators, this isn't new territory. What advice can comic creators share with those of us who are adjusting to this new way of working? What are the unique challenges creators are experiencing during COVID? In this panel, Ming Doyle and Tana Ford discuss their own experiences working apart but in collaboration with others.

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I Just Wanna Have Fun: Lessons Learned While Building a Creative Studio
8:00 PM20:00

I Just Wanna Have Fun: Lessons Learned While Building a Creative Studio

Our guest Mildred Louis went from working as a full time freelancer to starting a studio in the span of a year. Come in and sit on this presentation and discussion on what it was like to ditch an old ideal in favor of something else entirely, and the kinds of lessons she learned about herself along the way.

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