Q. When was LadiesCon 2024?
LadiesCon 2024 was held on May 11, 2024 from 10am-4pm at the Somerville Armory.
Q. How much did it cost to attend?
Like all of our all previous LadiesCon events, LadiesCon 2024 was free. We hope you will support our vendors and our Ladies Threadless shop to help keep it that way in the future.
Q. Your con is called LadiesCon. Can I still attend If I am not a lady?
LadiesCon is named for the Ladies of Comicazi. We are Ladies, but you don’t have to be one to attend or be part of LadiesCon. We created LadiesCon as a way to flip the ratios of who you usually see at Cons, putting those who tend to be more marginalized in the spotlight. Therefore LadiesCon may look different than some Cons you are used to. We want everyone to join us for a great time.